Saturday, July 14, 2007

Distilling Essence

Teach your child to drink and you may make him or her drunk. But teach him or her to distill a grain and there might be a living in it. So is the lesson from Kentucky hill country where bourbons are born.

Elsewhere in dadworld there's a fenderbender at the intersection of Drunk St. and Talent Waste Blvd. Lindsey Lohan whose paroled former-addict dad accuses the hard partying mom of setting a bad example is reportedly and repeatedly (if only temporarily) snogging famous-for-being famous Calum Best son of Georgie B.. The father, of course, was the legendary Irish footballer of the 60s and 70s who allowed drink to ravage a talent argued to be the world's best.

** Roll models do not good fathers make. **

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