Thursday, August 9, 2007

What Goes Around

"He is the wrong father to appeal to in terms of strength. There is a higher father that I appeal to," said Bush 43 when asked if he sought his father's advice before careering into Iraq. (History will long ponder how appealing he was.)

“I love you, sir, but your son’s way off base here,” is what people often say to Bush 41, according to The New York Times article on how hard it is to be father to the son who outdid you in popularity decline, among other things.

Alas, there is no googleable comment to add to the irony from father to 41, Prescott, who died 16 years prior to his sons ascension to POTUS. Connecticut senator and Republican party string puller in the Eisenhower and Nixon years, the father and grandfather of presidents first made news lieing about receiving military medals and as a business failure.

** Even if a dad learns from his mistake, a child often only learns to repeat it by trying to avoid it. **

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