Monday, September 17, 2007

Name Calling

Do you blame the editor or the writer? They both knew the term was annoying, cloying, condescending, but at least one person didn't care and chose to entitle the USA Today article "Don't Call Him Mr. Mom."

Just because something is popular shorthand for a dad who takes care of his kids doesn't make it the right thing to say.

But back to the findings, Census data shows 159,000 American men are full-time fathers, more than triple the number in the 90s. Further research says their job satisfaction is pretty high.

Not that referring to himself as a MM calls into question a dad's sincerity or praiseworthiness. It's just that if we can't call it better, lets just agree it is equal and different and there is nothing higher to aspire to than being "Mr. Dad."

** It seems by now we would have gotten beyond the myth that one's sex endows the gendereed with certain inalienable abilities. **

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