Tuesday, October 23, 2007

What Did You Do in The War, Daddy?

With some help from the government and his friends, the book has been closed (actually published) on how one daughter solved the mystery of her daddy at war. Another daughter continues to face government obstacles to learn about a man she barely knew fighting a war that the government still, apparently, wants to keep secret.

Jane Gardner Birch received the National Aviation Hall of Fame 2007 Coombs Gates Award for her first book, "They Flew Proud," the story of the World War II Civilian Pilot Training Program the research and writing of which helped her learn a bit about her warrior father.

At the other extreme is Charlotte Dennett, still stymied by government fears for secrecy in her search for who her dad — code named "carat" — was and what really happened when his plane crashed in Addis Ababa in 1947.

** Every dad has a hidden warrior, but some dads have more compelling tales to hide. **

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