Thursday, November 29, 2007

Dads' Campaigns Not Big with PFKC

Ambivalence toward being first child seems to be the bond between all the potential first children. All, except perhaps those of "leave my children alone and I'll leave your children alone" Giuliani, whose estranged kids were caught up in a controversy over the level of their support for their father's candidacy.

Even Craig, part of the ever present effervescent (Mitt) Romney (boy) Quintet — who made a recent Florida campaign swing complete with 18 stops in three days and flipping flapjacks, feeding a watermelon to a hippo anda cting the teetotaler chatting with tipplers in a beer tent — admitted to a Wall Street Journal reporter, "Part of me just wants this all to be over."

Among the lesser (i.e., un-) known Potential First Kids Corps (PFKC), Univ. of South Carolina pre-dent Mary Ellyse Fendig gives her father Cap's campaign at best a tepid endorsement. "He's very fun-loving, but he's very serious about this," she says. And she hasn't quite put her life on hold for the county commissioner's POTUS campaign. With no apparent passion about the campaign or what it might mean for her (beyond the local press she is getting), she takes a more dad's-just-being-dad approach to the quixotic campaign: "He does just hold a local office, but he does a lot of state policy and he's very involved in things that affect our county," she said. "But I feel like that's like saying, 'If the Gamecocks thought they couldn't win, they wouldn't still try.' It's a personal ambition of his."

** It's a kid dad thing: Support the Player, even if not the game. **

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