Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Children Children

Sixty-one years separate father Sir "the cute Beatle" Paul and 4-year-old daughter Beatrice Milly. Oh, and her mom, Heather, who he's in the process of divorcing. What will that mean for their relationship?

Sir Paul is said to want equal visiting rights concerning the child being pulled by both mother and father. And, as son James returns to the fold after spatting with Pa over his soon-to-be-ex, the children of his earlier marriage — adopted daughter potter Heather Louise; photographer, TV personality Mary Anna; and couturier Stella Nina — he seems to deserve some props as a pop.

But the world has changed since is other kids were young — the oldest two are older than Ms. Mills — and at least for the time being (although rumors do abound) he will be sharing his time with his young daughter with the benefit of oodles of money and some time on his hand, but not necessarily the support staff he had when bringing up her step-siblings.

** Hopefully they'll only grow closer as Sir Paul is more than 15 times her age now, but in 20 years he'll be just a tad over three times as old ... and in 100 he won't even be twice as old. they **

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