Sunday, March 16, 2008

Duck Daddy Sermon

You may not be reading this in church, but that doesn't mean you are missing the sermon. This week's objet d'eBay is accessorized with a moral.

The most obvious accompaniment to this Donald Duck cross-stitching pattern is that it is not so easy to be a duck dad — currently the city of Reykjavik, Iceland, cries out to ask if you are even man enough to try.

Surprisingly hard is probably true for whatever cross-stitching is and certainly for being or having a father. Hard times (written by father of one daughter and "American music" Stephen Foster) are many, dealing with a hard father can be, well, difficult.

Finally, sometimes being a dad is out-of-fashion, which is, of course, embodied by trying to peddle a Happy Father's Day anything when most dads are geared up to celebrate St. Patrick, a man for whom many miracles are claimed but never the actual hard work of raising his own child.

** It's the dad curse: turning even the most mundane into a teaching moment. **

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