Tuesday, May 6, 2008

What Do Children Want

The son kills the father. The daughter has an unreconciled physical feelings for him. Such are the Oedipus and Electra complexes, the shorthand left us by Sigmund Freud (132 years old today) on the nature of dads and der kinder.

Did he pull those theories from his own life? As best is known, there were no attempts made on his life by any of his three boys and while he was very close to his youngest daughter, psychoanalyst Anna Freud, there is nothing to suggest anything more.

If only it wasn't too late to take a ride on the "way back machine" with the late Ted Key's Mr. Peabody and and his adopted son Sherman to analyze Freud's own fathering and how he learned what children desire.

** In the comedy is the truth of fathering; in the truth usually comedy. **

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