Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Term Limits?

Once again we ask what is in a name.

Men take care of children and sometimes don't even go to an office when they do it? Nor is this a new concept. For example, where was Noah and what was he doing? The mythical lone farmer out on the prairie works on farm, just like the farmers wife, which I don't think meant nobody took care of the children?

But the "stay-at-home dad" descriptor still makes for a headline and "news" as in the story of Hamilton, New Zealand, papi Evan Mayo, who left his job to take care of his new son. Now, he started architecting out of his home ... and its news ... and he's better at constructing buildings for having slapped a nappy on a wriggling kid.

The moniker is even used to humorous effect in telling the story of Robert Hackett, a SAHD forced to leave off taking care of his children because of his wife's parking tickets.

And, to be honest, the SAHD label is used more and more, but it's not always clear what it means. For example, can a gambler really be a SAHD?

Maybe the news is that we're just at that point in history where everything is location, location, location ... and children. So, if you don't work out of an office and you have kids, you're now a SAHD. Who knew?

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