Saturday, August 23, 2008

Dumb and Dadder

Admit it, try as you might, there are times you as a father awake to what may generously be called, bad, hair(brained) days.

Hopefully that some people seem to wake that way every day will offer some solace. There is, for example, Michael Lohan, famous for making daughter Lindsay's life worse in small ways every day, who wants to fight Kevin Federline, another media leach pop.

Also seeming to wake up many days on the wrong side of right is the dad who called in a bomb threat to a shrine to the Prophet Mohammed the rest of his family was visiting, because his daughter didn't want to get married to the man he wanted her to and on the day he selected.

Sometimes, of course, the stupidity isn't really of a dad's own making. Consider Albert Speer Jr., son of Hitler's architect, who just like his dad was signed up by a totalitarian regime to provide the architectural vision they project to the world. Welcome to Beijing and an odd place in history Al.

It's been making the rounds for a few months, but if a picture is worth a 1000 words, then the ongoing saga dumb motorcyle dad, unfortunately, speaks for many:

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