Monday, September 1, 2008

Comedia Zelousosity

Too much zealousness and the father spoils the child, who becomes resentful. Too little fatherly zeal and the child and the child also becomes resentful. Finding the right balance is a dad's quest and one that is making the television airwaves sing in a new way.

From Canada came The Tournament

which ran on the CBC January and February 2005.

Now, updated and revised a bit comes the BBC series about overzealous sad dads of Britain and their pursuit (I mean, their kids' pursuit of Under 11's) The Cup.

Since, it does seem possible that fathers' sports dreams could be played out in their kids around the globe — and that when it is someone else who is doing this it is often hilarious — expect that fathers who can't quite find the balance of cheering for their kids and keeping their own internal sports demons where they belong will be television fare localized for its comedic potential in every country soon.

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