Sunday, October 5, 2008

Porn Beaus

Single fathers are being exploited. They don't seem to be being harmed, but there is some serious objectification going on as evidenced by this week's objet d'eBay, The "Trouble with Twins" from the "single father" Harlequin Romance series — book after book of eligible, perfect, handsome males who have kids, but have lost (not misplaced) the mom and in their heart know they will only be complete when they can replace her.

This fantasy man — dare we call it housewife porn without turnign the sexism charge back against us — is not just a product of print. He's also on the web, as seen with the momlogic essay on cute in a sort of emptyheaded way fathers and the "lessons" their doltish parenting can offer single moms.

Shouldn't there be some sort of protest against this demeaning portrayal of men? Shouldn't we be burning jockstraps or something in protest?

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