Tuesday, October 21, 2008


One more thing that makes dadding so hard is that even the best of advice doesn't fit every situation. Once upon a time it was thought that writing a book made one an expert, so let's say that black-hatted cowboy crooner Tim McGraw knows his way around the parent corral based on his new kiddie tome, My Little Girl.

MLG tells the tale of a dad and daughter who set off on a day of errands. Advice from father of three daughters McGraw is to, "Do what you have to do in your regular routine and take them with you. It makes all the difference in the world." And there doesn't seem to be anything that could go wrong with that...

Except when you have to go get a cell phone from your wife. And she works at a strip club. And you get a lap dance while you are waiting to pick up the phone (even if you dispute the police report). And you leave your baby asleep with the keys in the unlocked pickup.

Sometimes it's better to let them wander on their own and just know they'll find their way and come back, much as Josh Brolin did in learning from his father so he could get to the essence of President 43 Bush (who unlearned from his pop) in the current W.

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