Monday, November 9, 2009

Cracking the Image

The newest father on a book tour is tennis icon Andre Agassi. In Open: An Autobiography the man who once personified gloss &mdsash; is famous for his "image is everything" sales pitch [Earlier: Image Is ...] — telling the tale of how his father shaped him and how he became the man who will shape his son and daughter.

Most of the sizzle of the book is about his drug and hair scandals, but the "steak" is revealed in a question and answer article about the book, he admits to holding up his driven, pugnacious father's behavior in a very harsh light. However, he is pretty confident his dad is still very proud ... not that he would ever read the book: "I don't read, and why the hell do I need to read [your book]? I was your father."

And with that, we can close the file on our inquiry into why the publisher didn't time the release to try and sell it as a father's day gift.

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