Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Let's Use Fathers to Make Big Bucks


That's the WD prediction for the box office gross of Courageous, a movie coming soon to a pulpit near you, aimed at the primarily caucasian, prosperity and Pentacostal church audiences who brought $33 mill to Sherwood Productions for Fireproof.

So far (and thanks to a year of prayer and their belief that the results has been their God leading them thisaway), Sherwood has a movie name and a theme — four fathers in law enforcement forced by tragedy to look at themselves and others — and is asking for the prayers (and maybe pre-sales and bookings) of its intended audience as they go about actually writing and producing the film.

Naturally, they also have a marketing pitch. It's a good one, "calling men to rise up with strength and with leadership in their homes and with their families and with their children [and to] take the role of father as God intended" (as understood and interpreted by Sherwood).

Fathers forged from tragedy. Box office gold. Roll film.

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