Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Why Unfold Mystery

It would be probably be helpful for fathers to understand fate a bit better so as to provide a steadier hand in leading children and grandchildren (and, hopefully, great- and perhaps even great-greatgrandchildren).

Still, the mystical blending of suffering and glee that is existence is a tough nut to crack, so to speak. How can one adequately pull apart the strands of being that cause a dad of three who has been unemployed for more than a year to win the lottery. What kind of example of higher thinking could it be that causes a 44-year-old man who breaks a finger playing with his son to die while the pinky is being treated. And what exactly could be the straight and narrow for a guy to follow that leads from holding his daughter after living with the mother he no longer cares for down the wedding aisle and to the point where he holds grandchildren he cares for with all his heart.

Of course, while understanding life might be helpful, it is a key to dads that they do try to make everything work, so it is also very possible they might lose some interest in the whole thing.

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