Sunday, May 23, 2010

Safer Without a Knife

Mario Cuomo is often remembered for his will-he-or-won't-he dithering in the run up to the 1992 presidential nomination process. At the time he was  governor of New York, a position "memorialized" by this week's objet d'eBay, a cutting board in the shape of the Empire State.

Cutting will be the key to the job should son Andrew win his 2010 race for New York's governor. He'll be cutting budgets; he'll be slicing the tangle of the legislature; and he will at times, probably, be considering taking a knife to his wrists when nothing positive seems to be getting done in the often times dysfunctional state government. In retrospect, perhaps it's a shame the Cuomo family let this gift to the gov out of their possession...

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