Tuesday, August 24, 2010

In Praise of the Argumentative

Today in mountains-from-molehills news we have the Teutuls and Pauls. There may be floods and economic deprivation in the world while we count down to the Mayan-predicted (did they see their own end coming) apocalypse in 2012. However, the really important things in the media are struggles between sons and dads ... at least celebrity/politician fathers and male progeny.

The world of "entertainment" brings forth the news that co-star of American Chopper father Paul Teutel Sr. blew off co-star son Jr.'s nuptials this past weekend. Apparently, the wedding was a big reality-TV deal. And hot on the heels of that we have Texas Congressman Ron Paul announcing that people who own property should get to do what they want with it in contradiction to son and Kentucky senator candidate Rand Paul who thinks (at least in the case of something controversial for his potential constituents) that a middle way denying private property rights and pressuring for a monetary donation is the right way to go in trying to steer the more politically expedient course regarding the proposed 51 Park Muslim cultural center. They do seem to agree that the first amendment freedom of religion thing isn't that important so undoubtedly there is hope for reconciliation — in the same way that Teutel Jr. says of his missing pops, "I still love him, and the truth of the matter is it was an absolutely perfect day and I wouldn't have changed anything."

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