Friday, September 7, 2007

Good & Evil

Thanks to the internet it is pretty easy to steal and claim wisdom as your own (although it is also pretty easy to be caught at it).

So let me claim this story about a father and son. The middle aged son in his time of middle aged troubles, seeks wisdom from his father. "Dad, do you still battle with evil?"

"No, son. Certainly it was a constant when I was younger, but now, as I approach eternity, evil doesn't tempt me as much. I battle mostly with questions of good."

"So, you have it easy and I can look forward to the same?"

"Well," replied the father, "you can look forward to the same, but it is much harder to battle with the good in your life than in evil."

That story of father and son may be stolen from a better-told parable, but poorly related as it is, it is still of much greater truth and significantly less overall impact (most unfortunately) than
the father and family stories millions believe from America's wrestling arena.

** A dad's life is always much more soap opera than hour-long family drama. **

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