Thursday, December 6, 2007

Man Up

Ontario Provincial Parliament Member, liberal house leader and father of two Michael Bryant has his politics informed by a father who resigned as mayor of Esquimalt, British Columbia, because he found himself flipping up his rear viev mirror rather than watch four-year-old Michael chase after him when he left for work.

Contrast that experience with what former New Jersey Gov. Jim McGreevey — who resigned under the shadow of a combined scandals of coming out of the closet as a gay man and having an affair with an unqualified political appointee — is teaching his five-year-old daughter Jacqueline by scheduling a birthday party (complete with ponies) without telling his estranged wife Dina, who has primary custody. Says a friend and critic, "He ought to man up and grow up and realize it was he who created this mess. What I would say to him is, "Live by the rules and shut your face.' Jim'll use Jackie as a pawn. "It's the pony. It's the party.' It's not about the pony, it's about him."

** And as a dad or politician, it just can't be about you. **

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