Monday, December 24, 2007

Research and Rumor

It seems unlikely that three months would have made that much of a difference. But maybe it would?

Penn State researchers believe that a dad's presence delays a daughter's sexual maturity by three months — no matter how self-delusional he is about the issue or how much the girls and their mother may not be telling him. So, if James Parnell Spears had been around, rather than divorcing mom Lynn in 2002, maybe daughter Jamie Lynn could have held out long enough to get birth control or stop by CVS for a condom for her boyfriend and perhaps daughter Britney would not be in quite the same mess ... bad enough to be turning to [according to rumor] father Joe (of Jessica "the brain" and Ashley "the nose") Simpson to paste together the shattered eggshell of her career.

** What speeds up a father's maturity, sexual or other? And as for prolonging ...**

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