Friday, July 4, 2008


In a Q&A about his own life/work as well as his father's, Christopher Rauschenberg said of his father — pop-conceptualist Robert: "Kids think their parents are the best. The best plumber or whatever. They grow up, and it isn't true. I grew up, and it's still true."

It is a wonderful thought and legacy that a father leaves a son. Will the yet-to-be-named baby girl of Thomas Beatie the transgendered pregnant dad [Earlier: Daddy Mommy] be just as pleased with the notoriety she'll face throughout her life thanks to her pop. One hopes. But it is also impossible to imagine how often she will face controversy, after all just having her father pictured pregnant means that traditional media outlets are breaking from their usual conservatism and showing the naked breasts of a mother (?).

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