Monday, September 22, 2008

Daddy's Girls Grow Up ... and then what?

When is it necessary to answer the question of whether a father sees the same thing in his daddy's girl that others see?

Particularly when money (lots of money, specifically lott and lots of money) outsiders have a difficult time taking successful girls seriously when her father is a many of means and moolah. It certainly doesn't help that very often the daughter chooses to launch herself within a very safe haven created by daddy.

But may fathers (and others) argue that it is part of a dad's ongoing responsibility to build and maintain a comfortable place for his daughter to live &mash; not just to give the land and help build the house, but even to contribute with the occasional Roomba and a hug, for example, metaphorically at least.

The real question is what happens when the money (or the daddy) disappears. It's another test that fathers probably never learn whether they have passed or failed. He has created daddy's girl, but she alone (with whatever she takes with her on the next step) is responsible for the woman she'll become when dad isn't there like he once was.

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