Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Not Everyone Can Be SuperDad

Life with kids is complicated and sometimes dads need help. In the Philippines, they have themed this years Family Week Fathers and Families: Responsibilities and Challenges. The general idea seems to be that all institutions should help pops out and follows up on a United Nations declaration earlier this year of an International Family Day with the same theme.

That declaration included the thoughts that, "Now, [fathers] are expected to go beyond their traditional responsibilities and role as moral teacher, disciplinarian and male role model. ...to be fully involved and actively participate in both the emotional and practical day-to-day aspects of child-rearing. [even as] ... the challenges to fathers, to society and social policies are as strong as ever."

Interestingly, even as the challenges for fathers come in all different flavors, so does the aid, including such as new hostels for single dads and groups for dads with autistic kids (something of a model for dad groups as the Chicago gathering was started because the "parent group" that was first set up was completely dominated by mothers).

Some problems are too big, the issues too complex to be handled alone. Why, it even seems sometimes that SUPERDAD needs at least a little help with his cape ... and the laundry.

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