Sunday, January 4, 2009

Coincidental News?

Among the things too imponderable to waste any (well, much anyways) time on is why good dads and their kids have to suffer.

Within two days, the Aberdeen (Scotland) Evening Express was headlining the death of two. The 1 January paper reported the brutal, stabbing death of 47-year-old pipe fitter Raymond Brennan, a father of two. Two days later came the news of the death of Morris Wood, who died from cancer days after learning he was suffering. The 42-year-old Buckie, Scotland, man was "a brilliant father" according to his oldest daughter, whose father died under similar circumstances.

The stories of the tragedy of a good father could have come from anywhere and at any time. Still, did the Evening Express editors take a meeting to consider whether this is any way to begin to cover a new year? Or are they just the victims of "the odds?"

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