Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Hot and Not

Single dads are television heat. First there was Jason Mesnick ramping up The Bachelor's ratings [Earlier: Dad Bads] and now BBC3 is introducing five pops and their kids to a house that last year was only filled with single moms. The resulting, Young Mums' and Dads' Mansion premiered last night with a single mom trying to get her revenge on evil men. The buzz is building.

However, older dads are still funnier. He may not be hot, but John Sadler can certainly bring on the funny. The coroner of Kosciusko (Indiana) County, answered the cops call to pick up his drunk son, the assistant cornoner. He was drunk and the police objected. Both father and son are now in the Whitley County (Indiana) hoosegow for DWI.

Maybe if we could get a mom and daughter in their too, reality TV and hiliarity might ensue?

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