Monday, October 25, 2010

Dad is .... Write?

Scam or tribute? That is the question regarding the worldwide quest for stories greater than 1000 words of fathers coming from Rajeev Mathew Thomas in Qatar.

From his My Father site, Thomas has issued a call for:

...stories [about] their own fathers, or about a father known to them, who has inspired them in some way or another during their life. It may be about something a father may have done, which meant so much to you. It may be about how great you think your father is, and why?
Thomas, who has plans to post all online and publish the best of the stories, will not pay submitters for their story and reserves the right solely to (yes, suspiciously) himself to name the charity to which all proceeds from the project will flow. He does invite all who have sent in stories to purchase the book, which is currently scheduled for Father's Day 2011 — actually he invites them to buy themselves, their fathers, their friends and everyone they know a copy.

Still, if your story of pops gets published that could certainly be a nice tribute to link to. So, if you've got the words and a fair amount of faith in some guy on the internet you've never previously hear about, here's the place to send them. Actually, whether you plan to send it or not, write a tribute to your father. You never know when it might come in handy.

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