Saturday, November 6, 2010

Just Do It

The British charity Working Families sponsored two years of research and guess what? According to the research, as reported by The Guardian, fathers who work at work and around the house are happier than those who don't vacuum and iron and wash dishes and take care of the kids and .... Why would that be?

Porn for WomenPorn for New Moms: From the Cambridge Women's Pornography CooperativeApparently the answer isn't news. The study also fits with a 2007 study that suggested doing the laundry gets men more sex with their partner; and a 2009 claim that more housework means more and happier sex for both moms and pops. Oh, and it also confirms the dreams of the Cambridge Women's Pornography Cooperative, at least as demonstrated with their Porn for Women (2007) and Porn for New Moms (2009).

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