Sunday, February 10, 2008

The Pop's VD

In the fantasy that Valentines Day has become — if you have 35 kids in your class you write and receive 34 "will you be my" valentines (unless your mom lets you scrawl one to yourself — dads generally get short shrift. But not always, as this week's objet d'eBay, a Disney Tinkerbell pin, demonstrates.

But, like a father-daughter VD dance, it's not the colored tin or shuffling feet that count, it's the love they confirm and the memories they create that matter. Because without love and memories, dads may have children — Elias had the son who hated him, Walt Disney — but they are males who sired, not fathers.

So, while the commemoration of the Valentine's Day Massacre has turned into something of a mushy mess mostly for mothers, female singles and elementary school kids, there is still a little piece that fathers can claim for themselves.

Expect only a tiny bit of magic and you won't be disappointed. HVD.

** It's secretly a father thing. Don't let anyone know. **

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