Monday, August 4, 2008

Contextual Love

The main thing, of course, is the love of father for child. There is even evidence that a father's love is more important than the adorative feelings of the distaff parent.

But this isn't why fathers are better.

It's just a note that love alone — as wonderful as it is — may not be quite enough. Or, perhaps, sometimes, maybe, fathers should also consider the way in which they give their love in order to make it matter even more.

Just-brought-to-justice fugitive father Clark Rockefeller (or whoever he turns out to be) was considered by many a loving, stay-at-home-dad, there are other choices he should have made to stay close to daughter Snooks, aka Reigh Storrow Mills Boss [Rockefeller]. Taking the money ($1 million in alimony) and running (with his kid) will only result in losing more time with her.

Also, raising his child in a loving, if odd, environment is the red-eyed pop. Michiganer Steve Walsh has a two-year-old and unusual obsession, re-re-redecorating his face. It should be noted that however unusual his choices as a dad, he is prepared for the future. Asked what he would do when his son wanted to follow in his father's piercings (and silicone implants, tatooed eyeball, etc.) he said, it will be "...Awesome, I'm so looking forward to that day, but I don't think it's going to happen. I think he's going to rebel." So, his son will probably end up a disappointment, a Big Three (or possibly Four) accountant.

Oddly, neither ending up as an accountant nor as porn performer or rap star or suburban parent will be rebelling against daddy Luther Campbell. The one-time outraging rapper is now just another settled pop — if you don't hold the porn business empire building plans or unusual parenting arrangements against him. He coaches a neighborhood football team, he struggles with how and when to intervene is his teen's life and he wants his kids to still think he's cool. So he got a reality show, Luke's Parental Advisory.

Unfortuantely for Luther, you can't escape being a dad so while he would be making a much more favorable impression on his kids if his show were appearing on MTV, he is instead on the Ford Taurus (a "dad's car if there ever was one) of music stations, VH-1.

Love is always love, but context does matter.

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