Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Throw Dad a Life Preserver

There's a dad fantasy — not a problem if the father is divorced or otherwise single — that the child he loves will comes to his rescue, relationship wise.

But children have their own lives. so don't count on Liv Tyler, interested in a potential Broadway musical career, or Amy Winehouse, reportedly reliving her childhood in lyrics and song, to take even a moment out of their lives for poor old pops Steven and Mitch.

It wouldn't be that hard. It would probably only take a few moments to sign their dads up with the British reality show "Date My Dad." But can pops expect even that?

Not likely. So, it's good to know that Mitch will get his own radio show and Steven, hopefully recovered from his latest stint in rehab, can continue his rather peripatetic dating dance on his own.

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