Thursday, February 19, 2009

ITYS ... but did you or will you listen?

Intriguingly, if you Google father and I told you so you are directed to a link allowing you to watch the episode of Father Knows Best [Earlier: What a Father Really Knows and What Would Bob Say?] that has Bud aching to grow up and getting a little snippish at dad for not recognizing him as an adult.

Apparently, somewhere the show was also called "I Told You So", but the reason for looking it up is that Thing 1 is sick with fever and knife-edge sore throat. And polite. And nice. And all of this means that she now has to listen to me say that when she rushed out yesterday — not feeling well and before speaking with me — to play with friends rather than simply texting and Ichatting and resting for the day, she made a mistake and suffered the consequences I warned her against. Ironically, she did in fact make the same decision most adults make in those circumstances, but as I will try again and again to point out to her while I have her cooperation (i.e., until she is no longer feeling ill), that doesn't make it the adult decision.

And she should have and should always listen to her father. We'll see the effect of the "I told you so," but I am not counting on too much.

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